Monday 3 July 2017

Things to consider before Installing Window Blinds

No matter, what type of window blinds you are considering, there are certain important things that you must consider when installing blinds at home:

Measuring the windows: In order to purchase the right size of blind, make certain to measure your window. Measurement should be done on the basis of whether you want to mount your blinds on the inside (start measuring from inside the casing where the glass of the window meets the casing) or on the outside (measure along the outside edges of the casing) of the casing. Installing blinds on the outside will give your windows a larger look. On the other hand, installing the blinds on the inside will give your windows a slimmer look.

Choose the right material:
Window blinds in New York can be made of plastic, vinyl, metal, hardwood, faux wood, bamboo, and more. Choose a material according to the décor of the room to add a dramatic effect.

Installing right window blinds will not only improve lighting, privacy and efficiency in your home, but will also enhance the look and feel of an entire room.

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