Thursday, 26 November 2015

Easy Blinds Cleaning Tips

Window blinds is an important part of window treatment. They are easily exposed to a lot of dust and debris. Cleaning window blinds is not an easy task. Let’s have a look at some basic tips that will help you maintain and clean all types of blinds easily.

  • Vacuum blinds across the slats often with the brush attachment. Vacuuming blinds up and down should be avoided.
  • Use a lamb's-wool duster instead of plastic dusters, again working across the slats and starting at the top.
  • Brush downward only while dusting or vacuuming vertical blinds, as the slats often become unhooked if you brush upward.
  • Fabric and vinyl blinds can be best cleaned using a rubber sponge, also known as a dry sponge (found at hardware and paint stores). Simply wipe the dry sponge firmly across the blinds to remove dust and residue
  • For spot cleaning, spray an all-purpose cleaner onto a clean dry cloth and wipe the soiled area of the blind. Never spray the cleaner directly onto the blind.
  • Don’t soak wooden blinds. You can wet wooden blinds when cleaning. Wooden blinds should be cleaned in place instead of removing them.

Though there are many reputed companies which clean Metal blinds in NYC, but you can clean metal blinds and vinyl blinds outside in your patio or driveway by laying them on a small rug or piece of carpet. Put a few drops of dishwashing soap in a bucket of water. Wet a car-washing brush and brush the blinds from side to side, and then turn them over and brush the other side. Rinse the blinds gently with a garden hose while tilting them so that the water runs off. To prevent water spots from forming, quickly run your finger down the slats a couple of times to remove excess water. When done, drape the blinds over a fence or a couch to dry.

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