are perhaps the most important window treatment that adds to the
beauty and charm of a room. A well selected window treatment can
totally transform an ordinary window into an attractive one. You can
provide a simple yet elegant look to your room by adding the most
suitable curtain style that will complement a room design. There are
a number of ways to hang window treatments for distinct look. Some of
the simple yet effective ways are:
- Hang the curtains little high: Hanging curtains high will give an illusion of height. Create a well done and professional window treatment by hanging curtains at the proper height (minimum 4 inches and maximum 12 inches) above the window.
- Extend the curtain rod little extra from the width of the window: Extending the rod beyond the width of the window (at least 3 inches beyond each side) will provide an illusion of large windows. There are also other advantages of extending curtain roads such as it allows more light inside the room and makes the windows visually appealing.
- Use tension roads: Make use of tension roads where no holes are allowed in the wall or if you are enable to make holes in the wall. This style of rod easily mounts inside the window and has inner springs to hold the rod in place. It allows you to display your curtains in stylish manner.
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